Friday 19 October 2012

WALT count backwards!

This week we have been reading the poem " Ten little monkeys" and also  reading the book. So today we  turned into "monkeys", with Isabella as our monkey mama and Jake as the gorilla doctor!!
Eleven little Super K-9 monkeys jumping on "the bed"!!!

Monday 17 September 2012

Lovely Lemons in Discovery Time

In discovery time we washed the windows in Room 9 after Mrs Keane drew on them with oil and crayons and bits of blue tack. First we used just water then we tried lemon juice. That worked really well, especially to get the blue tack off. We wondered if this is why lots of cleaning products have lemon in them? The lemon also smells so nice so maybe that is why they put it in cleaning products as well.
How could we find out?

Making Pikelets for St Pat's Cafe in Discovery time

Making Pikelets for St Pat's Cafe in Discovery time. on PhotoPeach