Monday 20 February 2012

We are discovering different ways we can use paint.

Mackenzie said, “I painted on a silverbeet leaf. It was very soft and the paint looked funny. The blue went dark blue.”

Jake said, “On the bumpy cardboard the paint did not go inside the bumpy bits but on the smooth cardboard it did.”

Ruben said, “I painted on a leaf. It was tricky because the leaves were so little. I wonder what would happen if I used a bigger leaf?”

Ava said,” I painted on an ice cream lid. It was very slippery.”

Isabella said, ”On the bubble wrap the plastic was bumpy and the paint didn’t stick. I could still see through it. I painted on a cardboard roll. That was easy because it was smooth.”

Claire said, “When I used white paint and water it made pink. I wonder if it was because the water was reddish? I painted a plastic lid.”

Owen said, “I found out how to make dark brown when I mixed brown with green.”

Eli said,”I used a brush with just water. The rock looked shiny and dark. You could still see the rock.”

Tuesday 14 February 2012

We are learning the BINGO song

WAL about The Three Little Pigs

We visited Farmer Lyon's farm. There were lots of different breeds of animals as well as some very fat pigs.